Sunday, September 30, 2018

what is jquery?

What is jQuery?

jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Best Hidden Tricks in Microsoft Excel

Best Hidden Tricks in Microsoft Excel

Not knowing Excel shortcuts can turn any simple spreadsheet into a long drawn-out process, check out our list of the best hidden tricks!

Most of us are probably familiar with Excel, but not knowing the shortcuts and tricks can turn any simple spreadsheet into a long drawn-out process. We have put together some of the best hidden tricks in Excel that you may not have known about.
When typing in cells, sometimes your text may need to run over to the next line. If you have ever tried to do this, when you press enter, Excel reads this as you moving on to the next cell and it inserts the following text there. However, you may not have known that you can press ALT+ENTER, and you can add a new line of text to the same cell.
Most of us have probably run into the issue of needing the sum of two different cells, but not wanting to have to go through the trouble of writing a whole new formula in another cell for it. Well, you no longer have to go through this trouble. To add two numbers, click the first cell, then hold down CTRL while clicking the next cell. The sum of these two numbers will automatically appear in the status bar down below. You can also right click and find other functions like average (AVG) and Minimum (MIN).
If you are working with a large spreadsheet of data, it can often be hard to interpret if you don't have heading rows displaying key information. Instead of scrolling back up to the top or side each time you need information, you can use the freeze panes function to lock rows and columns. This is located in VIEW–>WINDOW–>FREEZE PANES, and from here you can select the row or columns you would like to freeze. This only works on the first rows or columns of an Excel sheet, so make sure you have the necessary data there.
Make Formulas Easier to Understand
If your spreadsheet incorporates a lot of formulas, or even just a few complex ones, seeing things like =A6*F9*(H3/S6), can get pretty confusing. To clear things up, you can assign names like 'Reference Number' or 'Coefficient' to cells or groups of cells, and use these names in formulas. To do this, select the cells you want to name and go to FORMULAS–>DEFINE NAME. Once you do this, you can input the name you want and click okay, but don't use any numbers. If you named a cell 'Reference Number', to use this in a formula simply type =Reference Number*A2 or other variations. Naming cells also allows you to find them really fast in the ribbon.
Excel has a lot of built in features that are operated through double clicking a certain area. If you double click on a column separator up top, it will autosize the column to fit the data. You can snap to the last cell in a column or row by double clicking on the cell border of the first cells in that row or column. The selection will automatically jump to the last cell in the series. Lastly, if you have a series of data that automatically increases or decreases with a pattern, you don't have to manually input each value. Simply type out 2 cells and then select them, and double click in the bottom corner when the plus icon appears. This will autofill the data to every box that has data next to it.
If you enjoyed this list, stay tuned to Interesting Engineering, as we will be coming out with more Excel tips in the near future. What are some of the tips and tricks you use in your Excel worksheets? Add to this list by commenting below and help out others just learning, or looking to improve their spreadsheet skills!

Google Hacker Discloses New Linux Kernel Vulnerability and PoC Exploit

Image result for Google Hacker Discloses New Linux Kernel Vulnerability and PoC Exploit

A cybersecurity researcher with Google Project Zero has released the details, and a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit for a high severity vulnerability that exists in Linux kernel since kernel version 3.16 through 4.18.8.

Discovered by white hat hacker Jann Horn, the kernel vulnerability (CVE-2018-17182) is a cache invalidation bug in the Linux memory management subsystem that leads to use-after-free vulnerability, which if exploited, could allow an attacker to gain root privileges on the targeted system.

The use-after-free (UAF) vulnerabilities are a class of memory corruption bug that can be exploited by unprivileged users to corrupt or alter data in memory, enabling them to cause a denial of service (system crash) or escalate privileges to gain administrative access on a system.

Linux Kernel Exploit Takes an Hour to Gain Root Access

However, Horn says his PoC Linux kernel exploit made available to the public "takes about an hour to run before popping a root shell."

Horn responsibly reported the vulnerability to Linux kernel maintainers on September 12, and the Linux team fixed the issue in his upstream kernel tree within just two days, which Horn said was "exceptionally fast, compared to the fix times of other software vendors."

The Linux kernel vulnerability was disclosed on the oss-security mailing list on September 18 and was patched in the upstream-supported stable kernel versions 4.18.9, 4.14.71, 4.9.128, and 4.4.157 on the next day.

There's also a fix in release 3.16.58.

Debian and Ubuntu Linux Left its Users Vulnerable for Over a Week

"However, a fix being in the upstream kernel does not automatically mean that users' systems are actually patched," Horn noted.

The researcher was disappointed knowing that some major Linux distributions, including Debian and Ubuntu, left their users exposed to potential attacks by not releasing kernel updates more than a week after the vulnerability was made public.

As of Wednesday, both Debian stable and Ubuntu releases 16.04 and 18.04 had not patched the vulnerability.

However, the Fedora project already rolled out a security patch to its users on 22 September.

"Debian stable ships a kernel based on 4.9, but as of 2018-09-26, this kernel was last updated 2018-08-21. Similarly, Ubuntu 16.04 ships a kernel that was last updated 2018-08-27," Horn noted.
"Android only ships security updates once a month. Therefore, when a security-critical fix is available in an upstream stable kernel, it can still take weeks before the fix is actually available to users—especially if the security impact is not announced publicly."

Facebook’s big security breach

Facebook’s big security breach: How did 50 million accounts get impacted, and what you should do next

Facebook security breach: The incident was big enough for Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg to post that the social network was still investigating the breach


Facebook security breach: Over 50 million accounts have been impacted, and as a precautionary measure, Facebook has reset 90 million accounts.
Facebook on Friday claimed it had fixed a security vulnerability that could have allowed hackers to log into about 50 million user accounts. While Facebook reset the logins of these 50 million users, it did the same to another 40 million accounts as a precautionary measure. The incident was big enough for Facebook CEO and founder Mark Zuckerberg to post that the social network was still investigating the breach. “We do not yet know whether these accounts were misused but we are continuing to look into this and will update when we learn more,” he said in a Facebook post.

When did the Facebook breach take place?

In a press call, also attended by Zuckerberg, Guy Rosen, Facebook’s VP of Product Management, said the vulnerability was introduced in July 2017 when Facebook created a new video upload functionality. Facebook launched a probe into the incident on September 16 after it discovered some unusual, like a spike in users, he said. “On the afternoon of September 25, we uncovered this attack and we found this vulnerability,” he said, adding that the FBI was soon notified and the vulnerability was fixed on September 27 evening after which it “began resetting the access tokens of people to protect the security of their accounts.” This is why people are having to log back in to their Facebook accounts.

How were user accounts compromised?

Rosen said the attackers exploited a vulnerability in Facebook’s code that impacted its ‘View As’ feature that lets people see what their own profile looks like to someone else. This is how it was exploited: “Once the attackers had an access token for one account, let’s say (Alice’s), they could then use View As to see what another account, let’s say, (Bob’s), could see about (Alice’s) account. Due to the vulnerability, this enabled them to get an access token for (Bob’s) account as well, and so on and so on.”

What caused the vulnerability in ‘View As’?

Rosen said the vulnerability was caused by a combination of three bugs affecting the access token, which is like a “digital key that keeps you logged in to Facebook so that every time you open the app, you don’t need to reenter your password”. It is not a password.
Rosen explained that the first first bug was that “when using the View As function to look at your profile as another person would, the video uploader shouldn’t have actually shown up at all”. But in some cases it did. Secondly, this video uploader “incorrectly used the single sign- on functionally” to generate an access token with the permissions of the Facebook mobile app.
Finally, when the video uploader showed up as part of ‘View’ As it generated an access token, which it shouldn’t have, “not for you as the viewer, but for the user that you are looking up”. Rosen said the attackers discovered this combination that had become a vulnerability.
Asked why it took Facebook so long to discover this vulnerability, Rosen said why they do code reviews and run static analysis tools, “regrettably it didn’t catch this complex interaction of bugs that led to this vulnerability”. He, however, clarified that no passwords were taken in this security breach.
Saket Modi, CEO & Co-Founder of security firm Lucideus explained that the access tokens maintain a constant session even when your IP (or even MAC Address) changes. “In this case, hackers were able to steal these tokens of nearly 50 Million Facebook users(targets), which basically means the hacker could fool Facebook servers to believe they are the authorised users of the target’s account that would give the attacker, complete access of the target’s account,” he said.

How does the breach affect Facebook users?

 Modi said Facebook would have a log of the number of user profiles this feature was used to access, whose tokens they have reset (or expired the session of the previous one) as per their statement.

“However, we don’t know for how long the vulnerability existed, who the hacker(s) were and the extent of damage that might have been caused in terms of stealing not only one’s profile data (which was in the case of Cambridge Analytica) but in this case potentially the personal messages, every picture (even the ones hidden from friends / public), chats on messenger among others,” he added.

What should Facebook users do now?

As a precaution, Modi recommended that all Facebook users should log out and re-login into all the gadgets they had the social network active on.

Friday, September 28, 2018

What Is CCNA Security Certification?

                  What Is CCNA Security Certification?

The most basic level certification in Cisco’s security technologies is CCNA with the next levels being CCNP Security and CCIE Security.

It’s a certification that will let a company know that you know networking security fundamentals, understand how to protect a network infrastructure, and can control any external threats by preventing penetration.
In order to get a CCNA certification in security, you’ll need to sit for and clear the Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) exam. There are two ways through which you can qualify to sit for the CCNA exam. The first is to have a CCENT certification and the other is to have a CCNA Routing & Switching certification.
CCENT certification is easier to get but CCNA Routing & Switching certification is recommended because it will prepare you better for your CCNA exam. In fact, CCNA Routing &Switching is recommended for anyone looking to go deep into Cisco certifications. Once you get your CCNA Security certification, you can go about applying for CCNA jobs that focus on security aspect of networking.

Difference between Web Devlopement and Web Design

Web designers use various design programs such as Adobe Photoshop to create the layout and other visual elements of the website. ... Web developers use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and other programming languages to bring to life the design files.

10 Tips to Achieve Anything You Want in Life !

10 Tips to Achieve Anything You Want in Life

So, here are my 10 best tips for achieving anything you want in life.

1. Focus on commitment, not motivation.
Just how committed are you to your goal? How important is it for you, and what are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it? If you find yourself fully committed, motivation will follow.

2. Seek knowledge, not results.

If you focus on the excitement of discovery, improving, exploring and experimenting, your motivation will always be fueled. If you focus only on results, your motivation will be like weather—it will die the minute you hit a storm. So the key is to focus on the journey, not the destination. Keep thinking about what you are learning along the way and what you can improve.

3. Make the journey fun.
It’s an awesome game! The minute you make it serious, there’s a big chance it will start carrying a heavy emotional weight and you will lose perspective and become stuck again.

4. Get rid of stagnating thoughts.
Thoughts influence feelings and feelings determine how you view your work. You have a lot of thoughts in your head, and you always have a choice of which ones to focus on: the ones that will make you emotionally stuck (fears, doubts) or the ones that will move you forward (excitement, experimenting, trying new things, stepping out of your comfort zone).

5. Use your imagination.
Next step after getting rid of negative thoughts is to use your imagination. When things go well, you are full of positive energy, and when you are experiencing difficulties, you need to be even more energetic. So rename your situation. If you keep repeating I hate my work, guess which feelings those words will evoke? It’s a matter of imagination! You can always find something to learn even from the worst boss in the world at the most boring job. I have a great exercise for you: Just for three days, think and say positive things only. See what happens.

6. Stop being nice to yourself.
Motivation means action and action brings results. Sometimes your actions fail to bring the results you want. So you prefer to be nice to yourself and not put yourself in a difficult situation. You wait for the perfect timing, for an opportunity, while you drive yourself into stagnation and sometimes even into depression. Get out there, challenge yourself, do something that you want to do even if you are afraid.

7. Get rid of distractions.
Meaningless things and distractions will always be in your way, especially those easy, usual things you would rather do instead of focusing on new challenging and meaningful projects. Learn to focus on what is the most important. Write a list of time-wasters and hold yourself accountable to not do them.

8. Don’t rely on others.
You should never expect others to do it for you, not even your partner, friend or boss. They are all busy with their own needs. No one will make you happy or achieve your goals for you. It’s all on you.

9. Plan.
Know your three steps forward. You do not need more. Fill out your weekly calendar, noting when you will do what and how. When-what-how is important to schedule. Review how each day went by what you learned and revise what you could improve.

10. Protect yourself from burnout.
It’s easy to burn out when you are very motivated. Observe yourself to recognize any signs of tiredness and take time to rest. Your body and mind rest when you schedule relaxation and fun time into your weekly calendar. Do diverse tasks, keep switching between something creative and logical, something physical and still, working alone and with a team. Switch locations. Meditate, or just take deep breaths, close your eyes, or focus on one thing for five minutes.
You lack motivation not because you are lazy or don’t have a goal. Even the biggest stars, richest businesspeople or the most accomplished athletes get lost sometimes. What makes them motivated is the curiosity about how much better or faster they can get. So above all, be curious, and this will lead you to your goals and success.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Why Should we use a PHP Framework?

Why Use A PHP Framework

But first, let’s take a look at the top reasons why many developers like to use PHP frameworks and how these frameworks can level up your development process. Here’s what PHP frameworks do:
  • Make speed development possible
  • Provide well-organized, reusable and maintainable code
  • Let you grow over time as web apps running on frameworks are scalable
  • Spare you from the worries about low-level security of a site
  • Follow the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern that ensures the separation of presentation and logic
  • Promote modern web development practices such as object-oriented programming tools

Top 10 reasons to get a PRINCE2 Certification

Image result for Top 10 reasons to get a PRINCE2 Certification

PRINCE2, or Projects in Controlled Environments, Version 2, Foundation and Practitioner Certifications, are among the most popular Project Management certifications across the world.

There are many reasons to do a PRINCE2 certification. Some are obvious, others don't and sometimes it's just a requirement from an employer to get certified in PRINCE2.

Here’s a list of 10 oft-quoted reasons to do a PRINCE2 certification:

1. Build Upon And Improve Your Project Management Skills

The chief reason also confers the most-obvious benefit: a much-improved Project Management skillset.
With PRINCE2 training, a professional learns and begins to deploy better, more efficient Project Management skills.

You'll learn the methodology, terminology, framework, common systems and procedures used by a large number of project managers, and learn all the skills needed to successfully plan, initiate, monitor, manage, and execute projects. PRINCE2 certified professionals generally follow a methodology that is an alternative to PMP, and knowledge of both sets of best practices grants them greater flexibility and versatility.

2. PRINCE2 More A Methodology Than An Instruction Manual!

Unlike other Project Management certifications ( i.e. PMP, IPMA ) PRINCE2 lays greater emphasis upon the set of Project Management principles it encompasses, than upon following an instruction book with a rigid set of rules.

As a technical reference guide, it explains all processes and stages of a project and the roles and responsibilities associated with it. It will not tell you how to micro manage the next task in your project, but will make sure you really understand all project principles and processes and how to manage them. With this, you will be able to easily tailor all your PRINCE2 projects to suit your needs and closely oversee all the projects you manage.

3. You Can Start Easy!

When choosing a certification, the time commitment to study\prepare, the costs involved, and the disruption it introduces into other areas of your professional life are crucially important factors to consider. PRINCE2 offers the unique advantage that you can start by preparing for the PRINCE2 Foundation exam only. This means that you can do a real Project Management certification without committing yourself to a huge amount of training time and high costs.

Also, while doing the PRINCE2 Foundation certification, you will get a full overview what to expect when you decide to continue with the PRINCE2 Practitioner certification and beyond.  This makes the early phase of launching a Project Management certification career significantly easier.

4. You Get A Certificate In Hand Sooner Than With Most Other Exams!

Once you have completed the training, all you need to do is take the exam with your training provider or take a public exam. There are no time consuming and complicated registration processes and no audit process of your application is needed, like it is, for example, when applying for the PMP exam.

5. PRINCE2 Certified Professionals Earn The Big Bucks!

PRINCE2 certified project managers earn an average salary of over GBP50,000, and are among the most prized professionals in Europe.

6. Your Certification Carries Global Recognition

Your PRINCE2 certification is globally recognized. Developed in the public IT sector under supervision of the UK government, PRINCE2 is today the de facto Project Management standard in many parts of the world. Governments, public and private sector companies all over the world are using it today, and its popularity continues to grow around the world, including in the USA, Asia and Africa.

AXELOS Ltd., which is the body that owns the rights to the PRINCE2 certification, issued a white paper in 2009 called " Using PRINCE2™ to Manage US Federal Government IT Projects " to support the increasing demand in US organisations. So this certification gives you the option to take on project work internationally.
7. PRINCE2’s Take On Project Management Sits Better With Many Organizations!
Unlike in other Project Management certifications the project manager in PRINCE2 is not the sole hero and superstar of the project. Roles and responsibilities in PRINCE2 projects are clearly defined and shared within the project organisation. So even if the Project Manager obviously always plays an important role in a projects success or failure he is not the only one to blame if things go wrong within a PRINCE2 project.
Besides, the shared roles and responsibilities in a PRINCE2 project support its success and minimize the chances that a project will fail.
8. With PRINCE2, You Are Not Limited To ANY Single Industry
As PRINCE2 is a Project Management methodology, it is not tied to any specific industry or organisation type. You can use it in any type of organisation, in any industry and in projects of any scale. This expands your possible areas of project work widely.
9. Proof Of Certification Is There For All To See!
With PRINCE2, it's very easy to demonstrate proof of certification. All PRINCE2 certification holders are entered in the official PRINCE2 Successful Candidate Register from the certification body APMG International. The register can be checked online by anybody. So during a job application process, for example, there is no need for sending in documents and copies of PRINCE2 certificates.
10. Your PRINCE2 Certification Makes It Easier And Cheaper To Get Other Certifications
PRINCE2 is an independent certification for project management. But getting the certification will qualify you for exemptions when studying for other certifications related to project management and beyond.

Web Application Penetration Testing

    WebApplication Penetration Testing

Penetration testing is the process of testing a software by trained security experts (aka penetration testers or ethical hackers) in order to find out its security vulnerabilities. The objective of carrying out such a test is to strengthen the security vulnerabilities which the software may contain so that they don’t get easily exploited (or taken advantage of) by the hacking community.

In the case of web application penetration testing, the software being tested is a web application stored in a remote server which clients can access over the internet. Web applications are obviously easy targets for hackers and therefore it is imperative for the developers of these web applications to frequently carry out penetration testing to ensure their webapplications stay healthy – away from various security vulnerabilities and malware attacks.
In this blog, let’s take a look at some of the elements every web application penetration testing checklist should contain, in order for the penetration testing process to be really effective.

New Cyber Group Launched to Prepare Students for Cybersecurity Careers

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This week Fujitsu announced its partnership with University Technical Colleges (UTCs) to launch the UTC Cyber Security Group, aimed at helping to prepare students aged 14-19 for future careers in cybersecurity.
The information and communication tech provider will work with UTCs and security and private sector organizations to equip a minimum of 500 students a year with the right cyber-skills needed to succeed in information security roles and further education – helping to bridge the gap in security resource and skills currently impacting the industry.
The group will meet every quarter to agree the course content that will be delivered to cybersecurity students, and organizations involved will each commit to providing at least five days of teaching and training to UTCs annually over the next three years. What’s more, organizations will also have the opportunity to sponsor their local UTC and get to know students personally.
“It is evident that there is a shortage of talent in the cybersecurity industry at the moment, which we as a nation are struggling to circumvent,” Rob Norris, vice-president of enterprise and cyber security, Fujitsu, told Infosecurity. “As we recognize the importance of investing in the individuals who will be key in fighting cyber-criminals in the future, the UTC Cyber Security Group will help ensure that we – and other private organizations – are doing our best to develop the right cyber-skills to adequately protect the UK from future cyber-threats and attacks.”
“With cyber-threats becoming more prolific and hackers increasingly more creative and savvy in their approach to attacks and breaches, the people and skills available to protect organizations and society must respond,” added Mike Halliday, business relations manager for UTC Reading, UTC Swindon, and UTC Heathrow.
“Historically students may not have considered entering a cybersecurity profession, often meaning they missed out on a career that they could be good at, and one in which they’d find purpose and fulfilment. The UTC Cyber Group looks to connect industry to an untapped source of thinking in order to meet the current cybersecurity challenges.”

Things You Didn’t Know About CompTIA A+

5 Things You Didn't Know About CompTIA A+

In December 2015, we released the latest version of CompTIA A+. The 900 series expands its coverage of new and diverse technologies to reflect today’s organizational IT environment. If you took an earlier version of CompTIA A+ or have heard about it from people who did, you may be surprised to learn everything that it now covers. Here are five things you may not know about CompTIA A+ that help IT pros gain a foundational knowledge to launch their careers.
1.      It’s not just about Windows and PCs. While previous versions of the A+ certification exams focused on supporting Windows-based desktops and laptops, the current version reflects a major shift in the IT support role. Instead of a PC break-fix model driving required skills, the 900 series focuses on supporting a user’s ability to access needed information, no matter the device. This shift in support philosophy means that IT pros must be familiar with multiple operating systems.
So, in addition to various flavors of Windows, CompTIA A+ now includes knowledge and skills related to Apple OS X, Linux, iOS, Android and Windows Mobile. Wearables, tablets and smartphones are covered alongside the ubiquitous PC. And, managing mobile devices – the hardware, the data and the connections – is an increased point of emphasis.
2.      IT support and troubleshooting sit at the core of the certification. Technical support and troubleshooting are among the top three skills requested in job ads for entry-level IT professionals. And with good reason. It’s one thing to understand how something works, but it’s quite another to be able to troubleshoot when something goes awry.
Previous versions of the CompTIA A+ certification included troubleshooting, but the 900 series places special emphasis on the ability to solve problems. The domains of each of the two exams build up to the troubleshooting domain. Not only do certification candidates have to install and configure, they have to identify the source of any problems and resolve them – regardless of whether the problem is related to the device, the data connection or the application.
3.      Cybersecurity is a big deal. Once believed to be the domain of the IT security specialist, there’s growing awareness that IT security is a responsibility shared by all – from the end user in accounting to the CEO. IT professionals, especially those in help desk and technical support roles, carry the burden of being at the front lines in the battle against unauthorized intrusions.
The new CompTIA A+ recognizes the critical role tech support plays in protecting an organization’s digital assets. In fact, eight of the nine certification domains have an objective or sub-objective related to security, privacy or risk mitigation. As the attack surface of a typical organization has increased, so have both the depth and breadth of knowledge required in the technical support job role. CompTIA A+ reflects this reality.
4.      Cloud and virtualization are in the mix. Gone are the days when most organizations were simply experimenting with cloud computing. As companies rely more heavily on cloud-based technologies to run mission-critical IT systems, the need to support those systems becomes paramount. CompTIA A+ introduces the basics of virtualization, cloud computing and desktop imaging, and deployment – knowledge needed to support today’s IT infrastructures.
By introducing core infrastructure concepts, the CompTIA A+ certification also establishes a foundation on which to build more advanced expertise. It opens the door to further study in areas such as tiered endpoint support, physical server maintenance, virtual system administration, network configuration and storage planning – all core skill sets in IT systems operations.
5.      It sets the stage for IoT support. According to Gartner, 25 billion connected devices will be in use by 2020. These include everything from home automation systems and autonomous vehicles to children’s toys and home refrigerators. What happens when users can’t connect these devices to their networks? Who will they contact?
In the same way that A+ lays the foundation for building infrastructure skills, it also establishes the baseline knowledge needed to support the Internet of Things (IoT). Connected devices rely on a number of layered technologies, including the device itself (both its hardware and software), a network, an Internet connection, backend cloud services and a user interface. With its coverage of different device form factors (think smartphones, tablets, wearables), numerous operating systems, networking fundamentals and troubleshooting, and cloud computing basics, A+ lays the groundwork for building IoT capabilities.

Why Certifications Are Important

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Certification programs ensure the competence of professionals through a measurement of skills and knowledge. Certification exams go beyond training by providing a measurement of knowledge and skills. When employers are looking to hire or promote, education is an important determining factor, which is why it’s important to earn certificates in your field. Below, we’ve taken the time to highlight a few other reasons why certifications are important.

In today’s world, the degree you earned 20 years ago doesn’t always hold the same validity as it did when you first received it. By gaining a certificate, it shows employers that you are up to date on the most recent practices that are required for your job.

Employers like to see a desire to grow. It shows ambition, which translates to hard work and a more efficient workplace. These traits help you increase your chances of receiving a raise or being considered for a promotion.

Having a certificate makes you a more attractive candidate whether it’s for a new job or an in-house promotion. In a study conducted  on Education and the Workforce, having a credential adds an average 25% in earnings.

Not only are there more people in the workforce with master’s degrees, there are a surge of people receiving certificates. According to the Institute for College Access and Success, there was a 46% increase within 5 years of people earning certifications.

The job market is extremely competitive, which is why HB Services offers a variety of certificate prep courses in the fields of  Management, information technology, and to help you achieve your career goals and stand among the crowd.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

What is JavaScript?

                      What is JavaScript?

A high-level definition

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages — every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies, two of which (HTML and CSS) we have covered in much more detail in other parts of the Learning Area.

·        HTML is the markup language that we use to structure and give meaning to our web content, for example defining paragraphs, headings, and data tables, or embedding images and videos in the page.
·        CSS is a language of style rules that we use to apply styling to our HTML content, for example setting background colors and fonts, and laying out our content in multiple columns.
·        JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else. (Okay, not everything, but it is amazing what you can achieve with a few lines of JavaScript code.)

Which Python course is best for beginners?

Level Up Your Python Prowess: Newbie Ninjas: Don't fret, little grasshoppers! Courses like "Learn Python 3" on Codecade...