Thursday, May 16, 2019

Cloud Service Models

Cloud Service Models
Cloud service models focus on providing some type of offering to their clients.

Cloud Software as a Service, is a type of cloud that offers an application to customer or organizations through a web browser.
·         The data for the app runs on a server on the network, not through an app on the user’s computer.
·         Software is usually sold via subscription
·         Examples of SaaS are Salesforce, Google Docs, Office 365, Basecamp etc.
Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, provides the hardware and usually virtualized OS to their customers.
·         Software is charged only for the computing power that is utilized, usually CPU hours used a month.
·         Examples of IaaS are Amazon EC2, Rackspace, Google Compute Engine etc.
Cloud Platform as a Service, provides networked computers running in a hosted environment, and also adds support for the development environment.
·         PaaS offerings generally support a specific program language or development environments.
·         Deploying your app in this environment, you can take advantage of dynamic scalability, automated database backups without need to specifically code for it.
·         PaaS are billed as an additional cost on top of the IaaS charges.

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