Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Benefits Of Python Programming

Benefits Of Python Programming

  • Python is a dynamic-typed language. It means that you don’t need to mention the data type of variables during their declaration. It allows to set variables like var1=101 and var2 =” You are an engineer.” without any error.

  • Python supports object orientated programming as you can define classes along with the composition and inheritance. It doesn’t use access specifiers like public or private).
  • Functions in Python are like first-class objects. It suggests you can assign them to variables, return from other methods and pass as arguments.
  • Developing using Python is quick but running it is often slower than compiled languages. Luckily, Python enables to include the “C” language extensions so you can optimize your scripts.

  • Python has several usages like web-based applications, test automation, data modeling, big data analytics and much more. Alternatively, you can utilize it as a “glue” layer to work with other languages.

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