Sunday, November 25, 2018



As improvement continues in everywhere, web developers work more in order to bring the perfection into a website. So, every change in the web province gives mutiny to the development of the the modern and advanced front-end frameworks. These include tools, libraries and frameworks. Simply, this indicates that for every requirement, there arises the need of the modern technologies while obsoleting the older ones.
With everything running so fast, businesses are looking for front-end framework development with a serious concern to enhance user interaction, efficiency and overall appearance of a website. So, the moral is, an effective front-end development choice is the key to success for your web application.



AngularJS framework combines together JavaScript with HTML and CSS. Technically, we divide the resultant application into 2 major components namely front-end and business logic. Furthermore, the development environment refers as MVVM, model-view-view-model. It is easy to create scalable applications with basic integration support to the third-party libraries. With two-way data binding, the framework allows creating dynamic mobile software. In addition, it carries abundance of the animated essentials to improve the responsiveness of the application.
·         Ability to create rich internet applications
·         Writing client-side application with MVC plus JavaScript
·         Automatic handling of JavaScript code for each browser
·         Open-source and freely available to use
·         HTML code extension for web apps
·         An accessible web development environment


ReactJS is the most popular JavaScript library for building exquisite user interfaces and rich web apps. To manage ReactJS, we require large community of developers. Being expert, they give perfection in terms of speed, neatness and scalability. As per the recent research on Google trends, ReactJS is a strong development tool due to its extra flexibility to create machine-reading codes. Moreover, it also allows compounding of components into a single-time verifiable file. And, it is one of the greatest feature JSX to create UI in real-time. Therefore, owing to its inimitable features and outcome-oriented performance, we can consider ReactJSas the leading framework on the internet.
·         Open-source and declarative
·         Component-based
·         Learn once, write anywhere library
·         Perfect for large data-driven web apps
·         Current available version is 16.2.0.


Backbone, or Backbone.js, is one of the earlier JS frameworks which comes based on the model–view–presenter (MVP) application design pattern. Usually, it contains a RESTful JSON interface and leading the web since 7 years of its inception. And, with huge developers loving this framework for developing applications, it gives structure to the web apps by rendering models that follow key-value binding and custom events.
·         Simple library to separate user interface from business logic
·         Produces organized and neat code for smooth working
·         Creates one-page applications
·         Data model efficiency combining user data and its display on server
·         Easy to create client-side web apps as well as mobile applications.


It is a JavaScript library for creating quality web interfaces that we can combine with other tools to work as a “framework”. Released in 2013, it has been showing a significant progress from years. And, the absence of pedigree makes Vue worth beneficial with little baggage. So, the traits of React & Angular are intermingled in the Vue in the most possible manner with its lightweight and user-friendly nature.
·         Powerful library for creating modern web interfaces
·         Adaptable architecture for web UI developments
·         Declarative components and easy debugging
·         Flexible environment for front-end
·         Ability to write code with minimal error occurrence


Sass can be considered as the most reliable, mature, and robust CSS extension language. Further, it helps extend the functionality of an existing CSS of a site including everything from variables, inheritance, and nesting with ease. Hence, it results in simple CSS to work for and make your stylesheets more readable and DRY.
·         Easy to use front end tool to write any code
·         Several functions for manipulating colors and other values
·         Modern features like control directives for libraries
·         Well-formatted and customizable output


Being an open-source JS web framework with fewer coding, it automatically updates the underlying changes. Also, it works on Model-view-view-Model (MVVM) pattern which allows every developer to create an astonishing and scalable single-page web applications. Indeed, this framework has the ability to inject plenty of modern JS concepts and technologies into a single bunch of API’s. Ember.js framework plays a good role for building web as well as creating user-friendly and ultimate mobile and desktop applications. Further, the two-way data binding feature improves the performance of complex UIs.
·  Features with best practices especially “convention over configuration”
·         Beautiful UI and rich templates
·         Possesses huge ecosystem
·         Stability devoid of stagnation

7. NPM

Npm, known as Node package manager for JavaScript, helps to discover packages of reusable code and assemble them in rigid ways. In addition, this tool is a kind of command-line utility to interact with a said repository that aids in the package.
·         Discover more than 470,000 free code packages in the registry and ease to reuse them
·         Enhanced code discovery and its reuse within the environment
·         Publish and control access to namespace
·         Manage public and private code with the same workflow


Hence, the pace with which front-end framework development is rising leads to the way modernized devices have been used. In the future, the web applications might transform in the way they have been used in cross-platforms.

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